White Cross Work Day – Tuesday, October 6, starting at 10:00a, noon potluck. All ladies are welcome.
Nominating Committee meets Tuesday, October 6, at 6:00p. Please see a committee member if you have recommendations or interest in a position.
Adventure Club continues for kids K-Grade 6 from 6:30-7:40p on Wednesdays. This week, WEAR BLACK!
Youth continue to meet Wednesday evenings at 6:30p.
Leadership Prayer and Share – Wednesday, October 7 at 7:45p.
Men’s Breakfast meets at Trevett’s on Saturday, October 10, at 7:00a.
Our next Bilingual Service will be next Sunday, October 11, beginning with refreshments at 7:00p.
Adult Sunday School Classes continue. It’s not too late to join in the study of the Gospel of Luke, What Happens When God’s People Pray and the Bible Overview class.