This Week
Wed. Jan. 18
6:30 pm Adventure Club. Country Store will be open and anybody who says all four verses gets 100 bonus points.
6:30 pm Prayer Time
7:30 pm Praise Team Practice
7:45 pm Church Leadership Council
Next Sunday, Jan. 22–Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
8:35 am Praise Team Practice
6-8 pm Youth Group. Tim Tebow at the Jackie Olson home.
Team reports due to Donna H.
Looking Ahead
–See cards in the entryway about the Triennial in Orlando, FL July 4-8. Early bird registration ends Jan. 16.
Feb. 4-5 Region Minister Dan Heringer will be here to help us launch our new Natural Church Development emphasis. Annual meeting and noon potluck Feb. 5. Also evening Super Bowl party at 5 pm.
— Dan and Lisa Friesen will be teaching the missions class “Pathlight Toward Global Awareness” in the adult (including high school) Sunday School time beginning March 4 through May 6. Please sign up for the books, 1 per couple/family. Everyone is welcome. No charge.