Mon., Nov. 5 1:30 pm WMF observing the Baptist World Alliance Day of Prayer.
Tues., Nov. 6 Election Day. Pray and vote.
Wed., Nov. 7 10:00 am Missions/Evangelism Team
6:30 pm Youth group and Adventure Club to pack Operation Christmas Child boxes
Thurs., Nov. 8 7:15 am Valley Baptist serving FCA breakfast, MHS
10:30 am Ministerial, here
Fri., Nov. 9 8:00 am Spiritual Life Team
Fri. & Sat., Nov. 9 & 10 Great Plains Assoc. meetings in George, IA. See Pastor Dennis right away if you are interested. Packet on board in entryway.
NEXT SUNDAY, Nov. 11 Veterans Day
8:35 am Praise Team Practice
Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner following the church serve. Meat provided, please bring side dishes and desserts. Election and budget approval business meeting. All are welcome. Group 2 setup, group 3 serve, group 1 cleanup.
Wed., Nov. 14 Youth Rally in Groton
Wed., Nov. 14 7:45 pm Church Leadership Council. Note date change.
Fri. & Sat., Nov 16 & 17 Youth trip to the Cities
Sat., Nov. 17 8:00 am Women’s Breakfast, here