VBC sermon notes 05-08-16
Guest Speaker
Thank you to Dr. Philip Thompson of Sioux Falls Seminary for speaking here this morning.
Thanks to David Kruger of The Gideons for a great and informative presentation today
SERMON NOTES: The Last Main Thing
Mark 10:32-45 (also Matt. 20:17-28) A Favor We Should Never Ask 1. The Prophecy vs.32-34 Isaiah 50:4-9 2. The Request vs. 35-37 James 4:1-6 3. The Challenge vs. 38-45 John 13:12-17 What Did You Do In The War, Daddy? What sin or selfish request do I need to confess to […]
SERMON NOTES: Individualized Treatment
Mark 7:24-8:13 (also Matthew 15:21-37) A Great Bedside Manner 1: The Foreign Woman and the Deaf Mute vs. 7:2-37 A Modern Day Miracle in Japan, Parts 1 & 2 2. The Hungry Crowd vs 8:1-13 A Modern Day Miracle in Japan, Part 3 How does the Lord Jesus want to work specifically in my life […]
Sermon Notes: Lost and Found, Part 2
Luke 15:11-24, v.32 The Lost Child 1. The Lost Son vs. 11-20 The Forgiving Father vs. 20-24, 32 Lost and Found? –If you are lost, come to the Father through the Son, and receive and extend forgiveness. –If you are found, thank the Father through the Son, and receive and extend forgiveness. The Lord’s Supper
SERMON NOTES: Few and Narrow
Luke 13:22-30 No Fun Being Last 1. The Narrow Way vs. 22-27 Matt. 7:13, 14; 21-23 Churchill’s Prophecy 2. The Surprising Feast vs. 28-30 Matt. 8:5-13 Boniface’s Missions to the Germans As we take the Lord’s Supper today, to what mission on the Narrow Way is the Holy Spirit calling us?
SERMON NOTES: Clear, Bright Light
Luke 11:33-36, 12:1-3 (Mt. 5:14-16, 6:22-23; Mark 4:21-23) The Gift of Sight 1. The Clear Single Eye, Luke 11:33-36 Light to a Chinese Atheist, via SDSU 2. The Revealing Bright Light, Luke 12:1-3 Fireworks or a Candle? What light from God’s Word does the Lord want us to obey this holiday season?
SERMON NOTES: “Prepared Praying”
Luke 11:5-13 (also Luke 18:1-8; Matt. 7:7-11) –World Race Praying 1. Prayer That Won’t Quit vs. 5-10 2. Prayer That Will Trust vs. 11-13 –Prayer on Trial What is the Lord speaking to me about prayer today as we take the Lord’s Supper? Am I “Prayed up?”